Our approach is premised on the belief that education is one of the key drivers of Afghanistan’s social and economic development and will help provide a solid foundation for coming generations. Increased levels of literacy translate to larger economic output, higher employment levels, better health, and higher marks along numerous other development indicators. Enabling all of Afghanistan’s children to learn, especially the most vulnerable and underserved – orphans – will have profound implications for Afghanistan’s future. It’s the surest way to accelerate social and economic change and to shrink the widening technological gap that exists between Afghanistan and the rest of the world.

To ensure that orphaned children are able to realize their full potential and eventually become healthy, independent and valued members of their communities, HRF collaborates with local and international NGOs and grass roots groups and strives to advance positive change by:


      • Securing the resources necessary for a quality education.
      • Emphasizing orphanages in areas where distribution of, and access to, resources is limited.
      • Supporting a cadre of qualified and experienced teachers and assisting in the design and delivery of relevant curriculum.
      • Developing a viable program of assistance for the long term sustainability of the educational infrastructure.
      • Facilitating the construction of schools and learning centers.